A Perfect Day For Bananafish
Modern society is sick. Sick with the notion that the normal way is the only way. Criticizing the lame, the ones categorized as insane, and those who have to bare the burden of mental disabilities, just showcases your insecurity to the world. Look into the mirror for once and if you are unable to find one fault with yourself, be ashamed. The egotistical thought that you are some super-human without faults makes you the lesser human and you should be the one constantly scrutinized. Seymour Glass, in A Perfect Day for Bananafish, was a man that put his life on the line for his country and all he gets in return is insensitivity from the people he fought for. Society doesn't try to understand. They take one look at the misfortunate person, find something wrong and then humiliate them to a point beyond belief. If we keep this up, eventually, we will practically breath hate and all we will ever live for is other's pain.
Isn't it true when someone has an obvious inconsistency with their body we immediately notice it? From that point on the flaw is all we think about. The piercing stares the radiate from our faces slowly kill the emotional well-being of the victim, leaving him in a worse state than before. This specific action is exemplified by the woman who shares the taxi with Seymour, who scrutinizes his, what we assume to be, severely damaged foot. In cause, Seymour commits suicide because of the constant and perpetual negative attention he receives every waking second of his life.
Even for someone who hasn't been through such a mental trial, such as World War II, which Seymour had to endure, criticism of others is hefty material for one person to handle by their lonesome and in his case just people staring at his wounds forced him to the point of death. There are some in the world, though, that take this act of hazing to the next level, verbal or physical. These tangible acts of evil can create such an extreme sense of self consciousness and pain that they see no point in living. Therefore, they take the path like Seymour Glass, ending everything. A murderer is what the attacker is and that's all they ever should be known as.
Who are we to criticize when we ourselves are filled with flaws? I confess to being a hypocrite for writing this paper, for I too am one of the bullies, but we must realize that we are destroyers. Everyone is a human and everyone has something to bring to the table. If we suppress all that people work for under a blanket of hurtful actions, we leave all humanity under it, fighting for air, a lost soul. Accept what JD Salinger is telling us and change. Change all the wrongs you have done and confess to everything. Give yourself a new beginning and treat everyone with respect, care, and love, for then society will prosper with all of the possible materials in our arsenal, and finally we will have a community of love.