Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ryan's Thoughts #4: Vegetable Monster?

Author's Note: This show always made me happy as a kid and my favorite character was the Cookie Monster. I have actually grown quite close to him (not literally). So, as you can imagine when I heard this news, I was infuriated. I chose to write this to let out my anger and disappointment in the producers of Sesame Street and let others know of this sad news, too.

For years and years we have grown up on the grumbles and pleads of the Cookie Monster. He was always one of your favorite characters of the beloved Sesame Street and when you heard him say "Cookie!" it always brought a smile to your face, but that now won't be anymore.

Sesame Street has changed many components of their show to mold the children viewer's minds into making what they think are good choices. These changes include changing Snufolofogous' name to Snuffy, now everybody can see "Snuffy” (not just Big Bird), Oscar the Grouch not being so grouchy, and worst of all, they are changing the Cookie Monster to the Vegetable Monster.

The Sesame Street producers claim that they made this idea happen due to the fact of the alarming amount of obesity in our country. But how could you change one of the top characters that everybody know to something that people hate? It just isn't right. In my first post on my blog I talk about the power that stations like PBS and Disney have. The same happens with Sesame Street and the creators of the great show understand this. Yet, I don't think they understand that they can just change children's tastebuds and make them crave veggies. I mean, can you picture a 4 year old whining to his mom "BUT MOM?!? I WANT SOME BROCCOLI!!!". No, it just won't happen, so Sesame Street needs to realize this and stop the changes before they make any more stupid mistakes and end up making this show be an educational one, not an entertaining one.



  1. FOR COOKIE MONSTER!!! I love him too! They are pure evil to get rid of him. I love how you backed up your anger with facts. Awesome but sad piece.

  2. This is an excellent selection. I love the way you introduce the essay (that's what it is) and the way your voice comes across so strong. You have a definite style you bring to your writing on a consistent basis, and it's one of the reasons I look forwared to reading your material.

  3. I love the Cookie Monster, and Oscar the Grouch! I think that they tought kids lessons on their own, and it was actually halfway realistic in a way if that makes any sense. No one will like the Vegetable Monster. Kids will have nightmares! Really good job though, you got a lot of good points across!

  4. At my house, we had a funeral to honor the beloved Cookie Monster. It's like what my dad said, it's not the Cookie Monster that are making our kids obese, but rather the unknowlegeable parents and children that might not have slef control. I can understand how the producers of Sesame Street's intentions are for the better, but that doesn't mean they have to kill an American legend. As a child, Cookie Monster was always there for me, whether I was sad, or had a bruised knee, or anything, he was alwayws there to make me feel better.


  5. The cookie monster was awesome! I can't believe that they think that a vegetable monster would make kids healthier. Anyway, you had great voice and got your points across well. Nice job! And they are totally going to lose veiwers of that show.

  6. Man, I totally agree with you. The cookie monster represents AMERICA! well close to it, and though all shows show slight changes, sesame street should not change this much
