All of a sudden, a ray of light shone on us, and the clouds separated. What occurred next was the most significant thing one could see in their life time. People that were the color of gold floated down from the heavens with their hands spread out like Jesus on the cross. As they touched the ground they embraced their families and everyone was happy. Except for my family.
We had been waiting for my younger brother who had died at a young age (this is kind of freaking me out because I really don't have a little brother). His cause of death was unknown but we were still grief-stricken. So, we waited and waited for him to come down but he never came. That meant only one thing. He wasn't dead (dun dun dun). So, we started to look for him.
We looked and looked but never saw a clue. Until one day, where I spotted a crystal skull in the forest that lies behind my house (I had this dream when that Indiana Jones movie came out so its actually not THAT random). Etched in the top of its head were the words "To find your brother you must find my twin". When I touched the skull, a surge of power shot through my hand, up my arm, into my head, back down to my other arm, down to the hand and back to the skull. It was an everlasting circuit. As this happened, a memory came to me. I don't exactly know where it came from but it told me were the other skull was. It was in a concrete warehouse down in Arizona that apparently had many wooden crates stored inside (see another Indiana Jones reference).
I told my family and we made quick arrangements to get down there as fast as possible. We landed at an unusual airport the next day. This airport was very futuristic and it had many inventions that we do not have in the modern day. The most notable one was the way we transported. On the white tile ground there were blue lines that lit up. These were each tracks. To get from place to place you hop on a one foot by one foot board that looked like a Wii Fit thing and you just let the board do the rest.
Once we got to the area we needed, we got off and rented a jeep. We hurriedly drove off into the desert for the warehouse and it took about half an hour to get there. We ran out of gas with about a mile and a half to go so we just walked from there.
A half an hour later, we were all parched from the heat, but on the brink of our vision we saw a humongous building so high that you thought that the tip could reach the heavens. Once we got to the building, we became aware of yet another obstacle. The door was on an old rickety porch and was locked up. About five feet to the right there was a bronze key with rust that sat on a stool. You might be thinking how is this an obstacle. It wasn't. What was is the ferocious greyhound that stood in between us and the key. It ran in circles as saliva dripped down from its powerful jaw. We inched forward very slowly, but with even the slightest movement, the hound released a blood-curdling bark. We realized we couldn't do this with just man power. We had to do this with skull power (that was really cheesy but that's what happened). I carefully took out the crystal skull from my back pack and looked for the sun. It was northwest of me which was absolutely perfect. I raised the skull above my head and positioned it correctly. A bright ray shot from skull and hit the greyhound right between the eyes. Its legs wobbled, and three seconds later it was on the ground out cold.
We took the key and inserted it in the keyhole. Fortunately, the key turned and we unlatched the door. As we walked inside each one of us was swallowed by utter awe. In the center of the warehouse was a fifty foot diamond pedestal with the "twin" crystal skull sitting atop it. Also, rotting wooden crates went on forever. There must have been 50,000 crates in warehouse. We raced down the stairs at a reasonable pace, for we wanted to get down quickly, but it would put quite a damper on things if one of us fell through.
When we got down, we opened up the first crate we came to. Documents. The crate was filled with nothing but documents. Oh, wait, there were about ten spiders crawling around them but that isn't very relevant. So, we tried the next crate. Same case. We tried a third one. Same conclusion again. This went on and on and we gave up after looking at about forty five bins. We decided to start looking through the papers to see if there was a clue embedded in them.
It turned out that each paper described a person. Extensive information about each person was on the papers, but there was one little section that caught all of our attention immediately. It was a section entitled 'Where are they now?'. As if by magic it showed where each person, and if they moved locations the words would change, too. Our second discovery was that all the sheets were alphabetized. We started to search for Jacob Richard Hegna (now that part reaaaallllyyyy freaked me out, like a lot).
We searched and searched and searched. It was a tiring procedure but we all knew it was worth it. Then I heard the best sound I could have heard at that time. My sister shouted "I found it!” Our heads shot around as we saw her face bright with joy, and her hand stretching up with wrinkled brown paper. The rest of my family bulleted over to her and looked at the paper. 'Jacob Robert Hegna, 9 years old'. Our eyes scanned the paper looking for the 'Where are they now?' section. One by one, our eyes hit the hallowed words.
Nothing. That is what you heard as we all just stared. It turned out my brother was at Dove Cabins. We all knew the place. It was a camp ground that kids went to for fun. It was located in Wisconsin, but we never went there. Once again we buried to the neck in awe (By the way, there actually is a Dove Cabins in Wisconsin, but I never heard about it before this, so yet again it got really freaky). We quietly left and got to our car and drove home.
Once we got home we got refreshed and rested. But the next morning we were heading to Dove Cabins. The drive took about two hours but those two hours felt like two days. We pulled into a parking lot and got out. We looked for some staff to help us out and eventually we found a Hispanic man named Eduardo. We told him our story and surprisingly he took us seriously. He told us that he may have an idea were Jacob was, because there was no Jacob Hegna registered at the camp. It turns out that there was one bunk that whatever person slept there, they reported to have heard banging in ceiling.
So, we headed over to Cabin 6 and Eduardo led us to a bunk bed labeled 13. All of us just stared up at the ceiling above the bed and think to ourselves "Could this really be?". Eduardo gets some tools from a shed located nearby and he comes back. Within seconds he is cautiously hacking away at the stone. With each collision the anticipation rises. Until finally, we hear a gasp. We look inside through the small hole that has been made, and we see a small eye peering back at us. Eduardo keeps going and more and more is revealed until finally a boy falls down onto the bed that has sat beneath him for three years. The boy looks down at his feet, and back at us, before he is embraced by the most painful bear hug one will ever encounter.
I give you much credit if you read this whole thing. The final word count was 1,447 words.
ReplyDeleteCheck that it is exactly 1,500 words
ReplyDeleteHaha well I didn't count the words and I am not going to. But I thought this was really good and I liked how you used some words that I have never heard of because that made it even more freaky and confusing. Nice job :)
ReplyDeleteThank you
ReplyDeleteThat was a really wierd dream. How did you drive away when the car was out of gas?
ReplyDeleteHaha I have no idea. This was the weirdest dream I have ever had and there were a lot of gaps even for me. Maybe with my super strength i pushed the car all the way back to the nearest gas station.
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of writing about your dreams. Haha. The version you told me a while back was that the crystal skull was in Dove Cabins.
ReplyDeleteOh well this was the way that I remembered it and it also kind of made more sense but I'm guessing you're right. Hehe
ReplyDeleteWOW! thats....... Interesting at the very least yet intriuging. you made it sound like i was in the dream.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I had that dream like a year ago, but since it was so vivid I can remember it.
ReplyDeleteThat's kinda creepy. Did you know that dreams are a twisted truth of reality? But anyways great job!
I wonder if there is any reality in my dream. Especially, about the brother part...
ReplyDeleteHey was it just me or was the Indiana Jones Crystal Skull movie a fail or what?
ReplyDeleteThat is really creepy. I would be freaked out after that dream. You did really well with the description and voice.
ReplyDeleteThat's really freaky. People really do have the strangest dreams, myself included. I like the voice and the use of words!
ReplyDeleteyes I was kind of freaked out. So of course I had to tell it to Matt Lupo because he appreciates stuff like that.
ReplyDeleteWow! I can't believe I just read that whole thing. Well, that was the most descriptive dream I have ever heard of and it was really good! Some parts weren't exactly possible but it's a dream so I guess anything can happen. Again, really good story. It kept me read, I guess.
ReplyDeleteIt's more of an achievement to have written it than to have read it! This is a really weird and messed up dream, but then again, I guess all dreams are. Are you sure you never before heard of Dove Cabins?
ReplyDeleteYea i'm sure. I had no idea there was a Dove Cabins ever.
ReplyDeleteThat's a really freaky dream! It's cool how you can remember all that, (though I wouldn't want to remember all that!) You had great vocabulary in it, which helped me visualize the scene. Nice job!
ReplyDeleteOh Sammy trust me you would...
ReplyDeleteWow! what a long dream, it's really cool that you were able to remember it and then put it into words and get a very good piece of writing from it. Nice job. Next time consider writing a shorter piece, or having a link to it so it doesn't take up so much space. It took me a very long time to read it, but good job.
ReplyDelete-Karen from the 8th grade class
This was really excellent; an enjoyable read, and intellectually interesting to boot. Did you know that many great writers have been inspired by dreams? Many have used their dreams like pre-writing to great works of literature. The fact that you shared it so honestly is commendable, but I would go further to say that you could probably take this sort of material and change it into any sort of writing you choose. Absolutely excellent.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, if you have a lot of imaginative dreams, you should consider a dream journal. Ask me if you're interested, or if you think I should teach the whole class how to maintain one.
ReplyDeleteYeah I think that would be a very interesting thing to do. I also think the class would like it.
ReplyDeleteThis was very interesting to read. I myself know about weird dreams that make no sense, but then some like the one you shared, are worth sharing and can make people think. As for what Mr. Johnson said about the dream journals, I think that is an excellent idea and I would be interested in keeping one. Great job on the writing and it would be great if you could share some other dreams with us.