Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Author's Note: I am not the biggest fan of airplane rides, so I wrote this poem to express my mixed emotions about it. I actually wrote this on a plane on my dad's laptop so the experience was very fresh in my mind. I hope you  can relate to this and have fun reading it.

You wake up early in the morn'
With anticipation bubbling inside
You get ready for the fun
To take you away to somewhere new

As you get to the airport security is endless
And your neck gets sore from the strenuous lifting
But finally you make it to the gate
And you sit and wait and wait and wait

You're finally on and you get to your seat
You stare out the window, at the scene you'll be leaving
And think to yourself
"What could possibly happen?"

The engine roars alive
And you start down the runway
Adrenaline pumping your veins
As you take off into the sky

You go up and up
And see the world go minute
Gasping silently at the beautiful sight
Atop the world you feel at peace

The clouds surround you
And you look at the scene
A beautiful one that you only see in a picture
You stare and stare at perfection for what seems to be a never ending moment

As you rise above the clouds
You wonder
About this, about that
About life as we know it

You continue on and you start to get bored
You think
"Why can't I just be home?"
You stare out the windows and count the seconds

The pain starts in your ears
An ever burning pain
That make you wince greatly
You chew some gum to help subside the pain, but that never helps

Your starting to go down
But the pain does the inverse
Rising and rising
You plead for mercy but none comes your way

Finally you land
When the pain is almost unbearable
You can't wait to get off
Into open air

You get up and get your bags
You power walk down the aisle
Only feet away
From the open air

Finally your free
At last, at last!
With good and bad memories
From the airplane ride


  1. Ugh. I wrote this when I was on the plane going from Atlanta to Ft. Myers and write when I got to the "pain" part, I started to get the "pain". Its been over an hour since I've gotten off and I still can't hear right. :-(

  2. There are special earplugs you can get for that. I don't need them though. I don't get that pain for some reason.

  3. I had h1n1 like a week before so I had a bunch of fluids in my head and it multiplied the ear tearing, strethcing, poking, whatever it is by 10.

  4. I know how ya guys feel. This summer was my first time on a plane and I didn't feel the greatest either. My sister got sick and now she never wants to fly again! I don't mind it, escpecially when we get to our vacation spot. What do you like the best, Taking off or Landing? I like landing.

  5. Ryan doesn't everyone have fluids in their heads?

  6. Everyone has fluids in their heads. Other wise everyone would black out and their organs would stop.

  7. What I mean is I had a larger than usual amount of fluids in my head. And I like taking off.
